I attended a woman's Bible conference this past Saturday and it was fabulous.
I am still processing all the information I received. One item in particular though, I picked up and started running with when I got home:
The idea to "play in God's Kingdom."
It's funny, the night before the conference I had a time of fellowship with some ladies in my local Bible Study group. We each chose a card and had to answer the question on the back.
One question I grabbed was, "What do you enjoy most about your day?" My very first thought was reading my Bible so I said it. But as I thought about it more, I realized while I like to read my Bible everyday, I couldn't really say I enjoy doing it. Sad but true.
The next day at the conference--not by coincidence but by God's grand design--I was introduced to the world of Bible Journaling. What is Bible Journaling you ask? Well, let me tell you.
Bible Journaling is a way to meditate on God's word and enjoy doing it.
It's really hard for me to sit down and focus on one verse. My mind tends wanders somewhere else; no matter how much I want to sit and read a verse, I get distracted by what is going on around me.
Bible Journaling helps me focus.
It gives me something to do with my hands while my mind is focused on the verse. How so? First, I prayerfully consider a verse God has put on my heart, then I find it in my journaling Bible. (Side note here: I received a journaling Bible five years ago but wasn't really sure how to use it. I did take a few notes in it on occasion but was overly worried I would write in a space I would later want to write in and so I didn't use it too much.)
Bible Journaling is a tool to meditate on a verse and then visually show it ... in your Bible.
Check out this entry I made on Colossians 3:12-14:
(Okay, I admit, it's not just one verse but these verses are all connected and I wanted to include them all.)
After you prayerfully choose a verse to focus on, you read the verse again. This time paying close attention to any words that stand out.
For me I saw: put on, chosen ones, beloved, above all, love
Next you take the words you zoned in on and ask yourself, "What would this look like?"
Looking at my list, I realized it's the beloved chosen ones are who are being asked to put on those attributes so I decided to draw a princess--because as a daughter of the Risen King that is exactly what I am. I choose purple for the dress because it's a royal color and I added "LOVE" in the crown because the verse says, "above all these put on love." Now, while the attributes to put on were not in my list of words that stood out to me, I still really wanted to include them, so I knit them on her dress. Lastly, I added yellow rays around her to try to show the holy and beloved aspect a little more.
Just like that I spent an hour meditating on one verse of the Bible without getting distracted.
But you know the best part?
I enjoyed that full 60 minutes.